On The Wing
Audio Magazine of Birds and Birding
The Bird of Time has but
a little way to flutter -
and the Bird is on the Wing.
             - Omar al-Khayyam


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Field Trip
Bird Report
Accidental Birder
Notes From An English Garden
Birding Gem


Falcon Research Group
Herons Forever
Audubon Washington
Seattle Audubon
ABA Festivals Directory


RSPB Bird Notes
Sounds of the Rainforest
Nature Podcasts - All the environmental, nature and eco-tourism podcasts we can find






Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa 2.5 License.
Seward Park Environmental & Audubon Center The story of the creation of the new Seward Park Environmental & Audubon Center in Seattle, from planning through groundbreaking, construction, and grand opening.

Direct download: 200808_SewardParkEnvironmentalAndAudubonCenter.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 1:07pm PDT

Welcome to On The Wing for May 2008

Direct download: 200805_1_Index.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06pm PDT

May 2008 - Notes From An English Garden From Kate's garden in Birmingham UK.

Direct download: 200805_2_NFAEG.mp3
Category:Notes From An English Garden -- posted at: 4:04pm PDT

Events Calendar for May 2008.

Presque Isle Audubon Society
Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest
2008 Washington Island Birding Festival

Direct download: 200805_3_Events.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 4:02pm PDT

May 2008 - Santa Ana NWR Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge is in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Park Ranger Mike Carlo is our guide.

Santa Ana NWR
City of Alamo Santa Ana NWR Page
Laguna Atascosa NWR

Direct download: 200805_4_SantaAnaNWR.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 4:00pm PDT

Welcome to On The Wing for September 2007

Direct download: 200709_1_Index.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:31am PDT

Roger Orness and others have been tracking the progress of a Northern Harrier nest at the Kent Ponds, south of Seattle.

Green River Natural Resources Area
Bird Surveys at the Green River Natural Resources Area

Direct download: 200709_2_Harriers.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 9:29am PDT

Events Calendar for September 2007:

Alabama Coastal BirdFest
Autumn Migration Birding Festival
Alaska Bald Eagle Festival

Direct download: 200709_3_Events.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 9:25am PDT

From Kate's garden in Birmingham UK.

Direct download: 200709_4_NFAEG.mp3
Category:Notes From An English Garden -- posted at: 9:22am PDT

Professor John Marzluff is conducting an experiment on the University of Washington campus, investigating how crows recognize human faces.

John Marzluff

Direct download: 200709_5_Crows.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:20am PDT

Southern Cross Peregrine Project
Photo by Zach Smith courtesy of Falcon Research Group
Bud Anderson describes the revolutionary Southern Cross Peregrine Project, which will use satellite tracking to follow the migration of Peregrine Falcons from Chile to the Arctic. This location information is interpreted via Google Earth - so you can easily follow along. Technologies mesh to support exciting research!

Falcon Research Group
Southern Cross Peregrine Project

Segment length: 31:46
Direct download: 200705_SouthernCrossPeregrineProject.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 10:03am PDT

Audubon - Fighting Global Warming 1
For Earth Day 2007, Audubon Washington presented "Unleashing the Power of Audubon - Fighting Global Warming". Nina Carter introduced the program.

Direct download: 200704_Audubon_1.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 2:55pm PDT

Audubon - Fighting Global Warming 2
Gordon Orians spoke on "Ecological Effects of Climate Change".

Blackbirds of the Americas

Direct download: 200704_Audubon_2.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 2:50pm PDT

Audubon - Fighting Global Warming 3
John Flicker, President and CEO, National Audubon Society, presented "Unleashing the Power of Audubon - Fighting Global Warming".

National Audubon Society

Direct download: 200704_Audubon_3.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 2:45pm PDT

Audubon - Fighting Global Warming 4
Nina Carter, Executive Director, Audubon Washington, discussed Audubon Washington's efforts directed at global warming issues.

Audubon Washington

Direct download: 200704_Audubon_4.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 2:40pm PDT

Question and Answers session.

Direct download: 200704_Audubon_5.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 2:35pm PDT

Welcome to On The Wing for March 2007
Direct download: 200703_1_Index.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm PDT

Padilla Bay is an estuary at the saltwater edge of the large delta of the Skagit River. Since 1980, it has been part of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System.

Padilla Bay

Direct download: 200703_2_PadillaBay.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 2:09pm PDT

Events Calendar for March 2007

Florida's First Coast Birding and Nature Festival
Alaska Hummingbird Festival
Dubois Grouse Days
Verde Valley Birding and Nature Festival

Direct download: 200703_3_EventsCalendar.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 2:04pm PDT

Spencer Island is one of the best places in the Snohomish River Estuary to view waterfowl and shorebirds. The island has a dike top trail system, which provides scenic views of the wetlands, sloughs and mountains.

Spencer Island

Direct download: 200703_4_SpencerIsland.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 1:54pm PDT

Welcome to On The Wing for December 2006
Direct download: 200612_1_Index.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:06pm PDT

December 2006 - Paul Bannick, Bird Photographer Paul Bannick is a naturalist and bird photographer. He shares insights on nature and photographing it.

Conservation Northwest

Direct download: 200612_2_PaulBannick.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:05pm PDT

Events Calendar for December 2006

Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve
Upper Skagit Bald Eagle Festival
Wings Over Willcox
Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival
Eagle Watch Weekend, Cadiz KY

Direct download: 200612_3_EventsCalendar.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 9:04pm PDT

December 2006 - Notes From An English Garden Kate's garden in Autumn, looking forward to Winter, in Birmingham UK.
Direct download: 200612_4_NFAEG.mp3
Category:Notes From An English Garden -- posted at: 9:03pm PDT

A Birding Gem from Libby Mills - Bird Vision.
Direct download: 200612_5_BirdVision.mp3
Category:Birding Gem -- posted at: 9:02pm PDT

Trumpeter Swans have been dying from lead poisoning. Martha Jordan of the Trumpeter Swan Society wants to find the source of the lead shot that the swans are ingesting.

Trumpeter Swan Society
Trumpeter Swan Society - Washington
Lead Poisoning in Washington Swans
Direct download: 200612_6_MarthaJordan.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:01pm PDT

Welcome to the August 2006 edition of On The Wing

Direct download: 200608_1_Index.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm PDT

August 2006 - Notes From An English Garden
Kate's garden in Summer, from Birmingham UK.

Direct download: 200608_2_NFAEG.mp3
Category:Notes From An English Garden -- posted at: 2:29pm PDT

Events Calendar for August 2006

Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge BirdFest 2006
Portland Swift Watch

Direct download: 200608_3_EventsCalendar.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 2:26pm PDT

August 2006 - Union Bay Natural Area (Montlake Fill) (Photo © Marc Hoffman 2006. Used by permission.)

Connie Sidles visits the Montlake Fill (Union Bay Natural Area) almost every day. She shares her love of this important birding site with us on a circuit of the trail.

Union Bay Natural Area
Waders.org - Montlake Fill
Wikipedia UNBA page

Direct download: 200608_4_UnionBayNaturalArea.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 6:19pm PDT

Welcome to the July 2006 edition of On The Wing

Direct download: 200607_1_Index.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:31pm PDT

July 2006 - Randall Davey Audubon Center (Photo by David Dawson)
Our visit to the Randall Davey Audubon Center in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Randall Davey Audubon Center
Audubon New Mexico

Direct download: 200607_2_RandallDaveyAudubonCenter.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 6:28pm PDT

July 2006 - Haystack Rock (Photo by Gayle Hunt)
At Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach, Oregon - the third largest monolith in the world, and home to nesting seabirds, raptors, and vacationers. We meet with Tom Oxwang of the Friends of Haystack Rock to learn about the Haystack Rock Awareness Program.

Haystack Rock Awareness Program
Friends of Haystack Rock
Oregon Coast NWR Complex
Oregon Rocks NWR

Direct download: 200607_3_HaystackRockAwarenessProgram.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 6:27pm PDT

Events Calendar for July 2006

Oregon Shorebird Festival
British Birdwatching Fair

Direct download: 200607_4_EventsCalendar.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 6:26pm PDT

July 2006 - Kent Eagle Cam (Photos by T K Brown)
Garry and Loraine have a Bald Eagle nest in the Cottonwood tree in their back yard in Kent, Washington. They share the nest with the world through their webcam.

News Flash: The eaglet has fledged!

Kent Eagle Cam

Direct download: 200607_5_KentEagleCam.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 6:22pm PDT

Welcome to the May 2006 edition of On The Wing

Direct download: 200605_1_Intro.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:20pm PDT

May 2006 - Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge (Photo by Gayle Hunt)
Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge with Phil Kelley.

Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge
Nisqually Reach Nature Center
Birdwise on Google Video

Direct download: 200605_2_NisquallyNWR.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 9:15pm PDT

May 2006 - Long-Bill Syndrome (Photo by Bud Anderson)
Bud Anderson describes Long-Bill Syndrome, a disturbing abnormal growth of birds' beaks and bills.

If you spot a bird with a misshapen beak, take note of the bird's species and location and call Bud Anderson at (360) 757-1911 or e-mail him at bud@frg.org

Falcon Research Group
Bill Deformities in Songbirds

Direct download: 200605_3_LongBillSyndrome.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:10pm PDT

Bitterroot Birding & Nature Festival
Birds on the Bay
Feliciana Hummingbird Celebration

Direct download: 200605_4_EventsCalendar.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 9:07pm PDT

May 2006 - Notes From An English Garden Springtime in Birmingham, UK, with Kate.

Direct download: 200605_5_NFAEG.mp3
Category:Notes From An English Garden -- posted at: 9:05pm PDT

May 2006 - North Seattle Community College Wetlands (Photo courtesy NSCC)
Birds and the restoration of the North Seattle Community College Wetlands

NSCC Campus Wetlands

Direct download: 200605_6_NSCCWetlands.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 9:00pm PDT

Welcome to the February 2006 edition of On The Wing
Direct download: 200602_1_Intro.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:10am PDT

At the Upper Skagit River, we meet Libby Mills, tour the Skagit River Bald Eagle Interpretive Center, and visit a couple of riverside viewpoints.

Direct download: 200602_2_UpperSkagitEagles.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 9:09am PDT

February 2006 - Notes From An English Garden With Kate, from Birmingham UK.
Direct download: 200602_3_NFAEG.mp3
Category:Notes From An English Garden -- posted at: 9:08am PDT

February 2006 - PAWS Western Grebe Rescue (Photo courtesy of PAWS Wildlife Center)
In January 2006, a group of nearly 60 Western Grebes were found stranded and starving on the beach at Ocean Shores, Washington. They were taken to the PAWS wildlife rehabilitation center in Lynnwood, Washington.

PAWS Wild Again Newsletter
Direct download: 200602_4_PAWSWesternGrebeRescue.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:07am PDT

Upper Skagit Bald Eagle Festival
San Diego Bird Festival
Winter Wings Festival
Connecticut Audubon Society Eagle Festival
Port Susan Snow Goose & Birding Festival
Direct download: 200602_5_EventsCalendar.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 9:06am PDT

A Birding Gem from Bud Anderson - The Vole National Park.

Falcon Research Group
Direct download: 200602_6_VoleNationalPark.mp3
Category:Birding Gem -- posted at: 9:05am PDT

An overview of other birding podcasts, with a guest segment from RainforestInn.

RSPB Bird Notes
Parrot Science
Whooper Happenings
Ray Brown's Talkin' Birds
The Sounds of the Rainforest
Direct download: 200602_7_OtherBirdingPodcasts.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:04am PDT

Welcome to the November 2005 edition of On The Wing - the UK Edition.
Direct download: 200601_1_Intro.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm PDT

January 2006 - Duddingston Loch (Photos by John Lithgow)
Duddingston Loch is on the shoulder of Arthur's Seat, a dormant volcano in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Duddingston Loch
Direct download: 200601_2_Duddingston_Loch.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 2:18pm PDT

January 2006 - Scottish Seabird Centre (Photo by David Dawson)
The Scottish Seabird Centre, in North Berwick, Scotland, is a state-of-the-art nature viewing facility. Visitors to the Centre can view the birds on Bass Rock, the Isle of May and Fidra by remote controlled video cameras, using the latest telemetry to rotate, pan and zoom to get the best possible views of the birds.

Scottish Seabird Centre
Lothian SOC
Forth Seabird Group
Direct download: 200601_3_Scottish_Seabird_Centre.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 2:17pm PDT

January 2006 - RSPB Sandwell Valley Reserve (Photo by Gayle Hunt)
The RSPB Sandwell Valley Reserve is a 10 hectare wildfowl and songbird refuge just outside Birmingham, England.

RSPB Sandwell Valley
Direct download: 200601_4_Sandwell_Valley.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 2:16pm PDT

Entiat Ridge Experimental Hawk Banding Station (Photo by David Dawson)
The Entiat Ridge Experimental Hawk Banding Station, a project of the Falcon Research Group, is conducting its fifth annual hawk migration study. Located on a beautiful ridge in Eastern Washington, the station is in the migratory path of several hawk species.

Bud Anderson, Ed Deal, Mark Gleason and Martin Muller show us the action.

Falcon Research Group
Bird Banding Laboratory
Direct download: 200509_Entiat_Ridge.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 8:40am PDT

Welcome to the August 2005 edition of On The Wing!
Direct download: 200508_1_Intro.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm PDT

Chris Templeton tells us how Black-Capped Chickadees vary their alarm calls according to how dangerous a predator is - It's size that counts, but not in the way you might think. Chickadee-dee-dee means a lot more than it may seem...

Chickadee Alarm Calls - Chris Templeton
Direct download: 200508_2_Chickadees.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 2:53pm PDT

Oregon Shorebird Festival
Meet the Waders Australia
New Haven Hawk Festival
Direct download: 200508_3_Events.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 2:50pm PDT

August 2005 - Marymoor Park with Michael Hobbs (Photo by Michael Hobbs)
Michael Hobbs has made himself an expert on Redmond Washington's Marymoor Park, by birding there virtually every week for eleven years.

Birding at Marymoor Park
East Lake Washington Audubon
Direct download: 200508_4_Marymoor.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 2:35pm PDT

August 2005 - Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina has devastated the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. What can we do?
Direct download: 200508_5_Katrina.mp3
Category:Editorial -- posted at: 2:33pm PDT

Kevin Li and Seattle's Purple Martins (Photo by Kevin Li)
Kevin Li has been putting up nesting gourds for Purple Martins in the Puget Sound area. We join him to check three of the sites he maintains.


Seattle Times article
USGS Purple Martin site
Martin Cam
Kitsap Audubon Martin site
Direct download: 200506_Purple_Martins.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 10:45am PDT

Welcome to the May 2005 edition of On The Wing!
Direct download: 1Index.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:16am PDT

Cliff Swallows have returned to Seattle's Magnuson Park. Lynn Ferguson monitors their nesting activities.

Seattle Audubon
Direct download: 2CliffSwallows.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 10:15am PDT

May 2005 - Ivory-Billed Woodpecker On The Wing interviews Dr Jerome A. Jackson, author of In Search of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, about the recent announcement that the bird still survives.
Direct download: 3IBWO.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 10:15am PDT

May 2005 - The Accidental Birder Linda Davey is the Accidental Birder

More photos
Direct download: 4AccBrdr0505.mp3
Category:Accidental Birder -- posted at: 10:15am PDT

Seattle Audubon Master Birder Jim Flynn discusses his new Raptor Nest Data Project.

e-mail Jim Flynn
Seattle Audubon Society Master Birder Class
Direct download: 5RNDP.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 10:15am PDT

May 2005 - Puget Sound Bird Fest - Edmonds, WA The Puget Sound Bird Fest in Edmonds, Washington, on International Migratory Bird Day. We visit Yost Park and the Edmonds Marsh.

Puget Sound Bird Festival
Direct download: 6Edmonds.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 10:15am PDT

Birding Events Calendar for May and June 2005.

Cape May Spring Weekend
4th Annual Big Woods Birding Festival
Huron Fringe Birding Festival
3rd Annual Potholes & Prairie Birding Festival
Chaplin Lake Shorebird Festival
Adirondack Birding Festival
Direct download: 7Events.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 10:14am PDT

May 2005 - Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest The 3rd Annual Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest. A memorable weekend, with a great variety of birding and other events.

Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest
Barn Beach Reserve
Falcon Research Group
Direct download: 8Leavenworth.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 10:14am PDT

Saturday May 14 is International Migratory Bird Day for 2005. Find an event near you!

Backyard Wildlife Fair
Puget Sound Bird Festival
Woodland Park Zoo
Direct download: IMBD_calendar.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 8:40am PDT

The 10th Annual Grays Harbor Shorebird Festival will be held at the Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuge at Hoquiam Washington May 6-8

Grays Harbor Shorebird Festival
Direct download: Grays_Harbor_NWR_Shorebird_Festival_2005.mp3
Category:Special -- posted at: 8:07am PDT

Welcome to the first full program of On The Wing, the audio magazine of birds and birding!
Direct download: 0Index.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm PDT

April 2005 - Samish Flats Hawk Identification (Photo by Sue Palmer)
On The Wing goes on a hawk-identification field trip with Bud Anderson of the Falcon Research Group.

Falcon Research Group
Direct download: 1Samish.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 2:17pm PDT

with Mike Donahue
Direct download: 2BirdRpt.mp3
Category:Bird Report -- posted at: 2:15pm PDT

April 2005 - Green Lake with Martin Muller (Photo by Gayle Hunt)
Field trip with Master Birder Martin Muller
Direct download: 3GrnLake.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 2:14pm PDT

April 2005 - The Accidental Birder (Photo by Linda Davey)
Linda Davey is the Accidental Birder. How to become a birder, even if you didn't mean to...
Direct download: 4AccBrdr.mp3
Category:Accidental Birder -- posted at: 2:14pm PDT

On The Wing visits the Black River Riparian Forest in Renton, Washington. We learn about the heronry with Mark Johnston and Suzanne Krom.

Herons Forever
Seattle Audubon
Direct download: 5Herons.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 2:13pm PDT

Our calendar of upcoming bird-related events.

Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest May 6-8
Grays Harbor Shorebird Festival May 6-8
Puget Sound Bird Festival May 14
Direct download: 6Events.mp3
Category:Events -- posted at: 2:13pm PDT

A drought emergency has been declared for Washington - so what about the birds?
Direct download: 7Drought.mp3
Category:Editorial -- posted at: 2:12pm PDT

Our trip to Tukwila Pond Park, near the Southcenter Mall.
Direct download: OTW20050130_Tukwila_Pond.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 9:40am PDT

We visited the Green River Natural Resources Area, better known as the Kent Ponds.
Direct download: OTW20050130_Kent_Ponds.mp3
Category:Field Trip -- posted at: 9:24am PDT

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